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Tangshan curbing sintering, coking and BFs for blue sky


Date:[6/19/2018]    Source:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd


Tangshan curbing sintering, coking and BFs for blue sky

The Tangshan government in North China’s Hebei province has requested all its steel mills to curtail their coking, sintering and blast furnace capacities over July 10-31 tentatively to improve the air quality as Hebei province posted worsened air pollution in the past couple of months, local steel market sources confirmed on July 10.
"Sintering capacities will be cut by 50%, coking process will be extended to over 30 hours from less than 20 hours, and for blast furnaces, steel mills in the areas such as Fengnan and Fengrun districts will be cut off by 50%, and those in the outskirts of Tangshan by 30%”, an official from a steel mill in Tangshan said.
An official from another steel mill in Hebei confirmed the curbs on sintering and blast furnaces, commenting, “the latest round of curbing has indicated that the central government is unsatisfied with the air quality in Tangshan these days especially under the circumstance that the environmental protection inspections have already been intensified a lot since the beginning of 2018.”
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