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NBS: China’s Jan-Apr FAI up 6.1%, property up 11.9%


Date:[5/16/2019]    Source:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd


NBS: China’s Jan-Apr FAI up 6.1%, property up 11.9%

Five miners were confirmed dead after an accident in an underground coal mine in Chenzhou in Central China’s Hunan province on the evening of May 28, according to a report by Xinhua News Agency on May 29.
The accident at the Xinglong Coal Mine was caused by a gas build-up at the mine face, suffocating five miners and seriously injuring a sixth, the report notes. Mine operations were halted immediately after the accident. The Xinglong mine is small mine, boasting a raw coal capacity of 60,000 tonnes/year and producing mostly thermal coal
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Tel:+0086-538-6999022    Fax:+0086-538-6997199