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Tangshan Steel enters high-end market


Date:[12/31/2009]    Source:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd

Tangshan Steel enters high-end market

Tangshan Steel has won an order from a contractor of the Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway, the largest railway project under China’s Long-term Railway Network Plan, for nearly 1,000 tons of HRB500-grade rebar, a kind of high-strength steel with excellent tough plastic and weldablity capacities. Compared with HRB335 and HRB400 grade, the use of HRB500 can help reduce the consumption of steel by 28 percent and 16 percent respectively
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Copyright:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd   Address:F6 Dongsheng buliding,138#,DongYue street Taian City Aodobi
Tel:+0086-538-6999022    Fax:+0086-538-6997199