Hot rolled sheet and coil automotive; hot water tanks; construction and agricultural applications; general fabrication, pipe and tubing for structural, mechanical, and oil and gas applications
Cold rolled sheet and coil automotive; appliances; containers; mechanical tubing; motor laminations; steel strapping; miscellaneous roll formed and stamped applications; feedstock for coated products
Tin mill black plate above ground pool walls; ceiling grids
Tinplate and chromium coated steel containers for food; crowns; closures; aerosol containers; oil filters
Galvanized sheet and coil various automotive applications; roofing and siding; highway and drainage products; appliance and agricultural industries; tubing; steel framing
GalvalumeTM sheet and coil roofing and siding; quonset buildings; tubing; appliances; miscellaneous automotive applications
ExtragalTM automotive - outer body panels
Vitreous enameling sheet and coil appliances and architectural applications
Prepainted steel architectural; industrial, farm and residential roofing and siding; appliances and miscellaneous residential applications (e.g.. doors and swimming pools); automotive parts
Steel tubular products
Tube for automotive applications
Laser welded Blanks
Automotive Components
Truck Trailer Components
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