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Mysteel weekly survey of construction steel inventory: August 8- 12, 2016


Date:[8/13/2016]    Source:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd

Mysteel weekly survey of construction steel inventory: August 8- 12, 2016
This week, the capacity utilization rate of the 139 construction steel mills we surveyed both increased in rebar and wire rods. In detail, rebar capacity utilization rate of the 139 mills registered 70.0%, up 1.5 percentage points week-on-week and down 2.4 percentage points year-on-year, the rate was 0.2 percentage points lower than the average in 2015. While wire rod capacity utilization rate of the 139 mills registered 64.3%, up 3.1 percentage point week-on-week and down 0.6 percentage point year-on-year, the rate was 0.6 percentage points higher than the average in 2015.
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Copyright:Shandong Hai Steel Co.,Ltd   Address:F6 Dongsheng buliding,138#,DongYue street Taian City Aodobi
Tel:+0086-538-6999022    Fax:+0086-538-6997199